
Haruto HatanoHaruto Hatano

Haruto HatanoNew graduates joining in 2023
Trading Card Game(TCG) sales team

Experiences from Student Days
in the Current Job

What is your position?

I am part of the Trading Card Game(TCG) sales department. My main tasks involve: delivering Bushiroad's TCG to customers, organization of PR events, and visiting clients from major corporations to individual stores.

How is the working atmosphere?

It is a fun team to work with. Since we belong to the sales department, everyone here is a communication expert. The members have created an environment inducive to conversation so I felt very welcomed when I joined!

We often talk about hobbies, favorite games, and anime outside of work. Everyone is easy to talk to.

Have your experiences from your student days impacted your current job?

I studied in the department of chemistry during college and researched lithium batteries used in mobile phones and other devices. I participated in extracurricular activities such as "Yosakoi dance" and board game production. While these experiences may not directly relate to my current job, they all involve a standard process of planning, execution, reflection, and improvement, the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle. This approach has been beneficial in how I approach my current job.

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Attracting Potential Appeal
and Conveying the Fun

What do you find challenging in your current job?

When proposing products to clients, I find it challenging to customize my sales talk depending on who I am talking to. It is important to find what kind of interest the clients have to introduce the products in the best way.

For example, if I am talking to someone who likes anime, I will use anime-related topics for explanation. If they are interested in soccer, I'll draw parallels with soccer. This approach often resonates with the clients and makes smooth conversation. It's tricky but also the best part of sales. To achieve this, I have a broad range of knowledge about TCG, down to the smallest details, and I watch anime regularly.

Through your work at Bushiroad, do you have any goals or things you'd like to achieve?

First and foremost, through my sales work, I want to introduce Bushiroad's TCG to more people. Many products with untapped potential and interesting aspects haven't been fully conveyed yet. I'm motivated to unearth the appeal of these products that have yet to gain widespread recognition and promote them.

Do you have any words of encouragement for students considering to apply Bushiroad?

In the entertainment industry, individual personalities are essential, but it is very important not to compare yourself with others. After joining the company, you may encounter colleagues whom you find absolutely amazing and completely out of your league. Still, instead of feeling negative, I hope you can leverage your unique strengths. Don't hesitate to showcase your positive qualities!

Lastly, I'm from the Kansai region so I have confidence in creating a happy atmosphere in any situation - Don’t' forget to smile during interviews!

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